How to Close Tabs in Your Android Web Browser

App icons on the home screen of an Android phone.

Key Takeaway:

  • To close an open tab in your Chrome or Firefox Android browser, tap the tab number icon to the right of the address bar at the top and select X for a tab.
  • To quit an open tab in Edge, Samsung Internet Browser, Opera, or Brave, select the tab number icon in the browser’s bottom bar and tap X to close an open tab.

Whether you’re experiencing slow performance in your web browser or you simply want to declutter the browser, it’s easy to close individual tabs as well as all tabs in your Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Samsung Browser, Opera, and Brave browsers on your Android phone. We’ll show you how to do that.

In Google Chrome

At the top of your current web page, tap Switch tabs (the square icon enclosing a tab number) to the right of the address bar. This will show all the tabs you have open.

Tab number highlighted in Chrome for Android.

In the upper-right corner of an open tab, tap Close (the X icon).

X highlighted for a tab in Chrome on Android.

At the bottom of your screen, you can tap Undo to reopen the tab if you have closed it by mistake.

"Undo" highlighted in Chrome for Android.

You can also close your Chrome tabs in bulk, whether all or selected. In the top-right corner of the Chrome app, tap the three dots to see advanced options and choose Close all tabs.

"Close all tabs" highlighted in the menu of Chrome for Android.

Confirm by tapping Close all tabs in the dialog box.

"Close all tabs" highlighted in a prompt in Chrome for Android.

To close selected tabs only, tap the three dots and choose Select tabs. Then, tap the tabs that you want to remove.

"Select tabs" highlighted in the menu of Chrome for Android.

Tap the three dots again, but this time, choose Close tabs.

"Close tabs" highlighted in the menu of Chrome for Android.

You can also use gestures to remove your tabs. For example, instead of tapping the Switch tabs icon, you can simply swipe down from the top to open your tab manager. Then, to close a tab, swipe it to the left or the right.

In Mozilla Firefox

At the right of the address bar, tap the tab icon to see all your open websites.

Tab number highlighted in Firefox for Android.

To close one, tap its corresponding X icon. You can also swipe it across your screen to achieve this.

X highlighted for a tab in Firefox for Android.

To close your tabs in bulk, look at the top-right of the tab manager and tap the three dots icon. Choose Close all tabs.

"Close all tabs" highlighted in the menu of Firefox for Android.

As you might have noticed, Firefox and Chrome have a high degree of similarity. However, Firefox offers a feature where your tabs automatically close after a certain time. You can set this up in the browser’s settings.

In Mozilla Firefox’s Settings, Under General, tap Tabs.

"Tabs" highlighted in Settings of Firefox for Android.

Then, for Close tabs, choose your preferred interval.

Auto close tab options in Firefox for Android.

In Microsoft Edge

At the bottom of your screen, tap the tab number beside the Copilot icon. This will open your tab list.

Tab number highlighted in Edge for Android.

On the bottom-right corner of a tab, tap the X icon to close it. Microsoft Edge also allows you to swipe tabs across your screen to close them.

X highlighted for a tab in Edge for Android.

To exit all websites you’ve visited, simply tap Close all.

"Close all" highlighted in Edge for Android.

You can also do these things without opening the tab manager. Simply long-press the tab number icon and choose Close tab or Close all tabs from the appearing context menu.

Tab close options highlighted in Edge for Android.

You can bypass the process above by adjusting your browser preferences. At the bottom right, tap the three horizontal lines and choose Settings.

"Settings" highlighted in the menu of Edge for Android.

Tap General.

"General" highlighted in Settings of Edge for Android.

Under On startup, toggle on Always start with a fresh new tab. This automatically closes your previous tabs.

"Always start with a fresh new tab" in Edge for Android.

In Samsung Internet Browser

From the controls at the bottom, tap Tabs.

Tab number icon highlighted in Samsung Internet Browser for Android.

On the top-right corner of each open website, tap the X icon to remove it from the list. You can also swipe the tabs for an easier closing process.

X highlighted for a tab in Samsung Internet Browser for Android.

To close them in bulk, tap the three dots and choose Close all tabs.

"Close all tabs" highlighted in Samsung Internet Browser for Android.

A confirmation box will appear at the bottom of your screen. Tap Close to proceed.

"Close" highlighted in a prompt in Samsung Internet Browser.

In Opera

From the controls at the bottom, tap the tab manager.

Tab number highlighted in Opera for Android.

Then, tap the X icon for each open tab to close them individually. You can also swipe the tabs upwards.

X highlighted for a tab in Opera for Android.

To close your tabs in bulk, tap the three dots at the bottom-right corner of Opera and choose Close all tabs.

"Close all tabs" highlighted in Opera for Android.

Tap Close to confirm.

"Close" highlighted in Opera for Android.

In Brave

At the bottom controls, tap the tab number of your current website. This will open the tab manager in Brave.

Tab number highlighted in Brave for Android.

Just like the other web browsers we have talked about, you just need to tap the X icon of a tab to close it. Swiping it away works, too.

X highlighted for a tab in Brave for Android.

In the bottom-right corner of the tab manager, tap the three dots and select Close all tabs to remove your tabs at the same time.

"Close all tabs" highlighted in Brave for Android.

Tap Close all tabs in the confirmation dialog box.

"Close all tabs" highlighted in a prompt in Brave for Android.

And that’s how easily you can close tabs in any Android web browser. Enjoy!